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Increasing Your VA Rating for Neck Pain and Cervical Strain

If you’re a Veteran and have been denied your full benefits or are seeking to increase your VA disability rating for a neck injury or cervical strain, we’re here to help you fight back and win.

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If you’ve served in the military and suffer from cervical strain—more commonly known as neck pain—you may be eligible for VA disability benefits. Cervical strain can be caused by various factors, including the physical demands of service, injuries sustained during duty, or the wear and tear from carrying heavy gear.

How We Help You Win Your Cervical Strain VA Claim

Facing a cervical strain is difficult enough without having to go through months and often years of governmental red tape to get your benefits.

The VA system is designed to wear you down until you give up and go away, leaving you frustrated, angry, and worried about how you’re going to pay the bills. 

At Tucker Disability Law, we specialize in helping Veterans understand and navigate the complexities of VA  claims. Our team is dedicated to ensuring you receive accurate VA disability ratings for cervical strain and neck pain so you can start receiving the benefits you need.

 We also know that you can’t wait years to get those benefits. 

That’s why we specialize in winning cases at the Regional Office level, getting you the compensation you need in a fraction of the time it takes those other disability law firms.

No Upfront Costs

We believe in earning your trust through results. That’s why we offer free consultations and work on a contingency fee basis, meaning we don’t get paid until you get paid.

Our Simple 3-Step Plan to Secure Your VA Benefits

Step 1:
We evaluate your claim and figure out why you were denied.
Step 2:
We help you gather the evidence you need to fill in any gaps and create a winning case.
Step 3:
We fight tirelessly alongside you until you win your appeal.

Get Your Benefits Faster.
Trust our proven track record to expedite your VA claim.

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What is Cervical Strain and How Do Veterans Get it?

Cervical strain is a condition affecting the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the neck. It often results from overuse, repetitive movements, or sudden injuries, leading to pain, stiffness, and limited mobility. 

For Veterans, cervical strain can develop from carrying heavy equipment, long hours of physical activity, or even injuries sustained in service. 

Symptoms may range from mild discomfort to severe pain that affects daily life.

Some Conditions that cause neck pain may include:

  • Degenerative Disc Disease – occurs when the discs that rest between the vertebrae of the spine begin to deteriorate and break down after time. Symptoms often include radiating pain down the leg, numbness, and weakness.
  • Pinched Nerve – Pinched nerves can arise when too much pressure is placed on a nerve by the surrounding bones, cartilage, muscles, or tendons. Numbness, sharp pain, the sensation of pins and needles, or muscle weakness can occur when a nerve has been pinched. In some cases, surgery is needed to relieve the pain.
  • Whiplash – is a neck injury that occurs when the neck sustains a forceful motion back and forth. 
  • Disc Injury – Disc injuries, such as a herniated disc, affect the discs that rest between the vertebrae of the spine. Symptoms of disc injuries include numbness, weakness, and pain.
  • Spinal Cord Injury – Injuries to the spinal cord are often very serious and can result in loss of feeling or motion. Car accidents, gun shot wounds, and serious falls can cause trauma to the spine and injure it. Spinal cord injuries can even sever the spinal cord. However, in most cases the spinal cord is intact but damaged to the point of loss of function.

How the VA Rates Cervical Strain

The VA uses a rating system to determine the severity of your cervical strain and how it impacts your ability to work and perform daily activities. The rating is based on the range of motion in your neck, pain levels, and any functional limitations. 

The VA typically assigns a percentage rating, which affects the amount of compensation you receive. Understanding this rating process is crucial for ensuring you get the benefits you deserve.

Secondary Service Connection for Conditions Linked to Cervical Strain

When a Veteran’s service-connected condition leads to a new disability or worsens an existing one, this is known as a secondary service connection. Veterans can receive disability compensation for these new or aggravated conditions caused by their already service-connected disabilities.

Secondary conditions often develop from service-connected orthopedic issues. For example, conditions like radiculopathy, caused by a compressed nerve in the neck, and migraine headaches can arise due to cervical strain. To secure a secondary service connection for these conditions, Veterans need to demonstrate that their neck pain directly caused or worsened these issues.

Additionally, if your cervical strain or neck injury prevents you from working, you might be eligible for Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU), which allows you to receive benefits at the 100% disability rate even if your Cervical strain rating is less than 100%.

Qualifying for TDIU:

  • One disability rated at least 60%, or
  • Multiple disabilities with a combined rating of 70% or more, with one disability rated at least 40%.

How Much Money Can You Get Monthly from VA Disability Benefits?

The amount you receive depends on your VA disability rating for cervical strain and any other secondary conditions you may have.

The rating is a percentage measured by the severity of your service-connected condition. In other words, the more severe your condition, the higher your rating. If you have multiple conditions, the VA uses a special formula to combine them into one overall rating.

Here’s a general breakdown of what you might expect:

  • 10% Disability Rating: $175 per month
  • 30% Disability Rating: $538 per month (with no dependents)
  • 50% Disability Rating: $1,103 per month (with no dependents)
  • 70% Disability Rating: $1,761 per month (with no dependents)
  • 100% Disability Rating: $3,836 per month (with no dependents)

These figures can increase if you have dependents or if your condition worsens over time. For more information, go to our VA Disability Compensation Page.

A higher rating not only means more financial support each month, it can also qualify you for additional benefits, such as increased access to VA healthcare services, vocational training and housing assistance.

Common Challenges in Getting a VA Rating for Neck Pain

Many Veterans face challenges when seeking a VA rating for neck pain. These challenges can include proving that your cervical strain is service-connected, dealing with insufficient medical evidence, or receiving a lower rating than expected. Our expert attorneys at Tucker Disability Law can help prepare your case for these potential roadblocks and know how to address them.

Take the First Step Toward Getting the Benefits You Deserve

Dealing with cervical strain and neck injuries is challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone

At Tucker Disability Law, we are dedicated to helping Veterans secure the benefits they’ve earned.

Whether you need help navigating the VA’s rating system, appealing your denial, or applying for TDIU, we’re here for you.

Click Here to start your FREE Cervical Strain VA Claim Evaluation

Why You Want Tucker Disability Law on Your Team

With over 30+ years experience winning cases, the attorneys at Tucker Disability Law have built a reputation for excellence, hard work, and always standing by our clients. Fighting insurance companies and the VA is what we do 24/7. Check out our Google reviews. Get to know us through our videos. Contact us for a free evaluation of your case. Let us prove to you that no one will work harder to win your case than Tucker Disability Law.