Our Nationally Recognized Law Firm Has Compiled the Following List of VA Acronyms
As a military veteran, you have served our country with dignity and respect. Unfortunately, this service often comes with a price. You may have suffered an illness or injury while you were in service and continue to experience one or more mental or physical disabilities. If this is the case, then you deserve to recover service-connected compensation benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). However, the VA disability claim process is often difficult. Claim forms often contain VA acronyms and abbreviations that make it difficult for you to understand what is going on.
At Tucker Disability Law, our attorneys know that VA disability compensation claim forms are often difficult to read. The VA uses many acronyms and abbreviations for VA terms. As VA disability attorneys, we are very familiar with “VA speak.” Our attorneys have compiled the following list of VA acronyms and abbreviations. We want you to better understand VA shorthand. This will help you tremendously when reading VA forms and records.
Department of Veterans Affairs Acronyms and Abbreviations
The VA uses many acronyms and abbreviations throughout the disability claim process. Here are the most popular acronyms and abbreviations you will encounter when filling out claim forms and reviewing VA records and documents.
A | |
A&A | Aid and Attendance |
AAO | Assistant adjudication officer |
ACAP | Annual clothing allowance payment |
AGG | Aggravated in service |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |
AIRS | Appellate Index Retrieval System |
AMA | Appeals Modernization Act (new appeal system started in 2019) |
AO | Adjudication Officer or Agent Orange |
AOJ | Agency of original jurisdiction |
APA | Administrative Procedures Act |
AR | Army regulation |
AWOL | Absence Without Official Leave |
B | |
BCD | Bad Conduct Discharge |
BCMR | Board for Correction of Military Records |
BCNR | Board for Correction of Naval Records |
BVA | Board of Veterans’ Appeals |
C | |
C-file | Claims File |
CAVC | U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims |
CBD | Chief Benefits Director |
C&C | Confirmed and Continued (rating decision) |
CD | Clemency discharge |
C.F.R. | Code of Federal Regulations |
CHAMPUS | Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services |
CHAMPVA | Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs |
COG | Convenience of the government |
COLA | Cost-of-living adjustment |
Comp. | Compensation |
C&P | Compensation and pension |
CTA | Centralized transcription activities |
CWT | Compensation work therapy |
D | |
DC | Diagnostic code |
DD | Dishonorable discharge |
DEA | Dependents’ Educational Assistance |
DIC | Dependency and indemnity compensation |
DNA | Defense Nuclear Agency |
DOD | Department of Defense |
DRE | Discharge Review Board |
DSM IV | Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.) |
DVA | Department of Veterans Affairs |
E | |
EAD | Entry on active duty |
EAJA | Equal Access to Justice Act |
EOD | Entry on duty |
EPC | End product control |
ESG | Environmental Support Group (see USASCRUR) |
ETS | Expiration of term of service |
EVR | Eligibility verification report |
F | |
FOIA | Freedom of Information Act |
FR index | Federal Register Index |
FTCA | Federal Tort Claims Act |
G | |
GAO | General Accounting Office |
GC | General Counsel |
GD | General discharge |
GPO | Government Printing Office |
GSW | Gunshot wound |
H | |
HB | Housebound |
Honorable discharge
Higher Level Review |
HPV | Human immunodeficiency virus |
HO | Hearing officer |
I | |
IME | Independent medical expert |
INC | Incurred in service |
IT | Incentive therapy |
IU | Individual unemployability |
J | |
JAG | Member of Judge Advocate General’s Corp |
L | |
Claims denied before February 16, 2019
Line of duty |
LSA | List of Sections Affected (C.F.R.) |
MAPR | Maximum annual pension rate |
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M | |
MIL | Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma |
N | |
NA | National Archives |
NAP | Income for VA purposes |
NAS | National Academy of Sciences |
NOA | Notice of Appeal |
NOD | Notice of Disagreement (in VA’s Legacy Appeals system) |
NPRC | National Personnel Records Center |
NSC | Non-service-connected |
NSLI | National Service Life Insurance |
NSO | National service officer |
NVLSP | National Veterans Legal Services Program |
O | |
OGC | Office of the General Counsel (VA) |
OMPF | Official military personnel file |
OPC | Outpatient clinic |
Op. G.C. | Opinion of the General Counsel |
Op. Gen. Coun. | Opinion of the General Counsel |
OPT | Outpatient treatment |
Op. VA Gen. Counsel | Opinion of the General Counsel |
P | |
PCT | Porphyria cutanea tarda (a liver dysfunction) |
Pen. | Pension |
PIF | Pending issue file |
PLEP.L. | Public Law |
POA | Power of attorney |
POW | Prisoner of war |
PRES | Presumption |
PT | Permanent total disability |
PTSD | Post-traumatic stress disorder |
Pub. L. No. | Public Law |
R | |
RAD | Release from active duty |
R.C. | Regional counsel (the chief legal authority in a VARO) |
RE code | Reenlistment code |
REPS | Restored Entitlement Program for Survivors |
RH | Insurance policy designation for veterans with service-connected disabilities |
RI | Rating increase |
RPC | (VA) Records Processing Center (St. Louis) |
RSFPP | Retired Services Family Protection Plan |
S | |
SBP | Survivor Benefit Plan |
SBP-MIW | Survivor Benefit Plan-Minimum Income Widow |
SC | Service-connected |
SDN | Separation Designator Number |
SDRP | Special Discharge Review Program |
SF | Standard Form |
SFW | Shell fragment wound |
SGLI | Servicemen’s Group Life Insurance |
SIRS | Special Issue Rating System |
SMC | Special Monthly Compensation |
SMifi | Supplementary medical insurance benefit |
SMP | Special Monthly Pension |
SMR | Service medical record |
SOC | Statement of the Case |
SPCM | Special court-martial |
SPD | Separation Program Designator |
SPN | Separation program number |
SRD | Schedule for Rating Disabilities |
SSA | Social Security Administration |
SSDI | Social Security Disability Income |
SSI | Supplemental Security Income |
SSOC | Supplemental Statement of the Case |
STS | Soft tissue sarcomas |
T | |
Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability
Temporary Disability Retired List (uniformed service) |
TIN | Transaction Identification Number |
TPQ | Third-party query |
U | |
UCMJ | Uniform Code of Military justice |
UD | Undesirable discharge |
UOTHC | (Discharge) under other than honorable conditions |
USA | U.S. Army |
USAF | U.S. Air Force |
USASCRUR | United States Armed Services Center for Research of Unit Records |
US.C.S. | United States Code Service |
U.S.C.A. | United States Code Annotated |
USCCAN | United States Code Congressional and Administrative News |
USMC | U.S. Marine Corps |
USN | U.S. Navy |
V | |
VA | Department of Veterans Affairs (also used for old Veterans Administration) |
VACO | VA Central Office |
VACOLS | Veterans Appeals Control and Locator System |
VADEX | VA Index |
VAMC | VA Medical center |
VAOPC | VA Outpatient Clinic |
VAR | VA Regulation |
VARO | VA Regional Office |
VBA | Veterans Benefits Administration |
VD | Venereal disease |
VEAP | Veterans’ Education Assistance Program |
VGLI | Veterans’ Group Life Insurance |
VHA | Veterans Health Administration |
VJRA | Veterans’ Judicial Review Act of 1988 |
VSO | Veterans service organization |
Our Attorneys Can Help You Better Understand VA Acronyms
The process for recovering VA disability benefits is already complex. You could find yourself waiting for years to receive a decision from the VA. However, the language used on claim forms and VA records can make the process even more complex. Many different VA acronyms and abbreviations are used, making it difficult for you to understand what you are reading. Our list of commonly used acronyms and abbreviations by the VA will help you better understand the VA disability claim process.
Contact Our VA Disability Attorneys
Have you been denied VA service-connected compensation for disabilities related to your service? If so, then our VA disability attorneys can help you with the appeals process. Give us a call today at (866) 282-5260, or send us a message online. We look forward to helping you get the compensation or pension benefits you deserve.
At Tucker Disability Law, we provide counsel in all 50 states. Contact an experienced veterans disability attorney for help with your denied claim today.