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Prudential Disability Insurance Claims

Our Disability Attorneys Can Help You Fight for the Long Term Disability Benefits You Deserve

The Prudential Insurance Company of America is one of the top insurance companies in the country. In recent years, Prudential has raked in increased revenue. This may be because of the many tactics they use when approving and denying disability claims. In 2018, Fortune reported that Prudential saw a 5.5 percent increase in revenue that year alone. Many Prudential disability insurance policies are group disability policies insuring employer plans. That means that the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) governs your disability claim. If you are having trouble recovering the disability benefits deserve from Prudential, we recommend speaking to a disability lawyer with extensive experience handling ERISA disability claims.

At Tucker Disability Law, our long term disability lawyers know that Prudential policyholders need someone on their side from the start. Our law firm has extensive experience helping Americans get the benefits they need. We also have years of experience handling hundreds of Prudential disability claims for individuals across the country.

Prudential’s Track Record with Lawsuits and Settlements

Are you having trouble with your Prudential disability insurance claim? This is unfortunately common. In our experience, this insurance carrier has a long history of delaying and denying disability insurance claims. In fact, numerous lawsuits filed against Prudential allege that the insurance company does not treat consumers fairly. One allegation is that the insurance company makes many of its profits by denying legitimate insurance claims. Another is that Prudential gives policyholders a difficult time when processing claims.

These tactics gave rise to a 2014 class action lawsuit that settled for almost $40 million. This lawsuit alleged that Prudential violated federal law. They violated federal law by failing to pay disability insurance benefits to military service members and their families. This is one of the many lawsuits filed against Prudential in recent years.

Delayed, Denied and Undervalued Prudential Disability Insurance Claims

Prudential insurance adjusters may use a variety of tactics to reduce their payouts. This includes delaying, denying and undervaluing claims.

Delaying Claims

Prudential knows that disabled consumers need money to help pay for their bills. As such, their adjusters may delay working on your claim or improperly take extensions which are not allowed under the law. It is their hope that you give up fighting for the benefits you need. They do this because they know that many disabled consumers are simply too sick and disabled to fight back. They also know that many lack the resources and time needed to push a claim through the process. If you believe that Prudential is delaying your claim, it is important to have an experienced long term disability lawyer on your side from the start. At Tucker Disability Law, we have the time, money and experience needed to fight for your benefits.

Denying Claims

Like other insurance companies, Prudential only covers certain disabilities. They exclude many disabilities from coverage. As such, they may state that your disability is not covered by your policy, even when it is. They may also claim that your policy does not afford you income protection or other benefits or that you have not submitted enough proof to show that you are disabled under the policy. It is important to understand your policy and your disability. When Prudential denies your claim, you have a right to file an appeal. At Tucker Disability Law, our long term disability lawyers can help gather the evidence you need to successfully appeal a claim denial.

Undervalued Claims

Another way Prudential treats consumers unfairly is by undervaluing claims. 9hey may claim that you are only partially disabled in order to reduce the benefits you receive. They may also undervalue your disability or claim that you are not as disabled as you state. Disabled consumers have a right to hold insurance companies, like Prudential, accountable. At Tucker Disability Law, we can help consumers secure the full value of their disability claim.

Appealing After a Claim Denial

If you find that Prudential denied your long term disability claim, it is important to call Tucker Disability Law. Our long term disability lawyers can help you appeal your claim and file a lawsuit if necessary. In most cases, you must exhaust the appeals process before you can file a lawsuit.

ERISA Claim Appeals

If you have a group disability claim covered by ERISA, there are many technical regulations that apply to your claim. You must submit all the evidence during the appeals process. This includes eyewitness evidence, documentation of your limitations and restrictions and test results. It is critical that you submit all necessary evidence at this stage because you will not be able to submit additional evidence if you later need to file a lawsuit.

Filing a Prudential Disability Insurance Lawsuit

After you exhaust the appeals process, you may file a lawsuit to get the benefits you need. ERISA laws and restrictions govern the appeals and lawsuit process. Our attorneys have experience litigating ERISA cases in federal courts across the country. Our attorneys build a strong claim appeal and submit the evidence you need before litigation. This gives your case the best chance of success after filing a lawsuit. When it comes time to file a lawsuit, we will analyze your case and prepare an individualized plan selecting the best jurisdiction and applicable law to maximize your recovery.

John Tucker and his disability insurance attorneys have decades of experience helping disabled Americans fight the insurance companies. If your claim was denied, undervalued or delayed, our attorneys may be able to help you. Our law firm is here to:

  • Guide you through the claim process to make sure you submit a strong application and do not miss any deadlines.
  • Fight your insurer aggressively throughout the claim, appeal and litigation process to help you recover the benefits you need.

Contact a Prudential Disability Insurance Lawyer Today

If you have questions about Prudential disability insurance claims, call us immediately. At the Tucker Disability Law, we can help answer your questions about Prudential disability insurance claims and long term disability. We know the importance of collecting long term disability benefits. If you received a claim denial, we can help you appeal that claim. Our track record of success speaks for itself. Contact us today at (866) 282-5260 to schedule a free consultation or fill out our confidential contact form. Our attorneys are licensed in Florida and many federal courts across the nation, and we counsel in all 50 states. Call us today! We are here to help you!


Why You Want Tucker Disability Law on Your Team

With over 30+ years experience winning cases, the attorneys at Tucker Disability Law have built a reputation for excellence, hard work, and always standing by our clients. Fighting insurance companies and the VA is what we do 24/7. Check out our Google reviews. Get to know us through our videos. Contact us for a free evaluation of your case. Let us prove to you that no one will work harder to win your case than Tucker Disability Law.