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Hartford Disability Insurance Claims

Let Our Attorneys Take on Hartford for Your Disability Insurance Benefits

Hartford is a large disability insurance carrier with policyholders in virtually every sector across the country. Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. is the second-largest provider of group life and disability insurance in the country. In 2017, Hartford expanded with its acquisition of Aetna.

In recent years, the insurance giant has enjoyed revenues totaling more than $26 billion. Unfortunately, these revenues and profits often come at the expense of policyholders. In our experience, Hartford has a long history of delaying and denying disability claims and giving consumers the runaround.

Are you fighting an uphill battle to secure disability benefits with Hartford? If you believe that Hartford insurance has treated you unfairly, you need a long term disability lawyer on your side. You may still be able to secure disability benefits even if you received a claim denial.

At Tucker Disability Law, our Hartford disability lawyers are nationally recognized. Our attorneys can help you through the difficult appeals and litigation process, so you can collect the benefits you deserve.


Contact Our Team to Discuss Your Hartford Disability Claim

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Hartford’s Track Record With Complaints, Lawsuits and Settlements

As a disabled Hartford policyholder, you deserve to collect long term disability benefits. Unfortunately, Hartford has a long history of unfair dealings with consumers. They often delay or deny disability claims without reasonable cause. They can treat disabled consumers unfairly. This prevents disabled consumers from receiving the disability benefits they need.

Hartford faced numerous lawsuits in the past. Their troubled history spans decades. Some examples of lawsuits against Hartford that resulted in benefits include:

Dealing with a Hartford Denial, Delay or Undervalued Claim

Hartford’s policyholders often find themselves fighting an uphill battle when seeking long term disability benefits. They may get the runaround when trying to file a claim, or they may find their claim denied outright. They may even find their claim undervalued. As such, disabled consumers need a law firm on their side fighting for their rights during this time. Disabled individuals may face many challenges when filing a Hartford disability insurance claim, including:

  • Issues with medical records and information
  • Requesting unnecessary tests or procedures
  • Difficulty getting the right representative on the phone
  • Asked to supply unnecessary information
  • Refusal to review medical evidence or testimony
  • Surveillance resulting in denials

If you experience these issues or notice these tactics, it is important to call Tucker Disability Law immediately. We represent Hartford policyholders with denials, delays and undervalued claims. We know how to push the envelope, provide evidence, and fight aggressively for disability benefits. Our experience has gotten hundreds of Hartford claims paid over the years.

Appealing Your Claim

Many Hartford disability insurance claims are denied every year. In fact, most disabled consumers will receive a denial. When this occurs, you need an experienced long term disability lawyer on your side. Appealing a disability claim is difficult without legal representation. There is a complex appeals process and many rules and regulations. If you have a group Hartford policy through work, your policy is likely subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). This means you must exhaust the appeals process before continuing. During this process, your attorney will need to provide evidence and testimony to strengthen your case. This is your final chance to introduce evidence to support your disability claim. As such, it is critical to have legal assistance during this time.

Filing a Lawsuit Against Hartford Disability

It is not uncommon for Hartford to unfairly terminate disability benefits or deny claims. However, disabled consumers need these benefits as income for their families. Once you go through the appeals process, you can file a lawsuit against Hartford to recover the benefits you need. This is the only course of action left available to you. As such, you need an aggressive litigator on your side who can hold insurance companies like Hartford accountable. Our skilled long term disability lawyers are here to fight for you and your rights. We will develop an individualized plan to win your case, including determining if you have a private or group Hartford disability policy to maximize your recovery under the law and file your lawsuit in the best jurisdiction for you.

Contact a Hartford Disability Insurance Lawyer Today

If you have questions about Hartford disability insurance claims, do not delay. Call our attorneys immediately. At the Tucker Disability Law, we can help answer your questions about Hartford disability insurance claims and long term disability. We know the importance of collecting long term disability benefits. We also know that Hartford consumers often fight an uphill battle with their disability insurance carrier. That is why we fight aggressively through the appeals and litigation process to help them get the benefits they need. Call us today at (866) 282-5260 to schedule a free initial consultation. Our attorneys are licensed in Florida and many federal courts across the nation, and we counsel in all 50 states. Call us today! We are here to help you!

Why You Want Tucker Disability Law on Your Team

With over 30+ years experience winning cases, the attorneys at Tucker Disability Law have built a reputation for excellence, hard work, and always standing by our clients. Fighting insurance companies and the VA is what we do 24/7. Check out our Google reviews. Get to know us through our videos. Contact us for a free evaluation of your case. Let us prove to you that no one will work harder to win your case than Tucker Disability Law.