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CIGNA / New York Life Disability Insurance

Let Our Attorneys Take on CIGNA for Your Disability Insurance Benefits

CIGNA is one of the five largest group disability insurance companies in the country. Like other disability insurance carriers, this insurer has a long history of unfairly processing long term disability insurance claims. A CIGNA policyholder could experience delays, receive an undervalued claim, or may find his or her claim denied outright.

If this has happened to you, the best thing to do is fight back to secure the benefits you deserve. The attorneys at Tucker Disability Law can help you appeal a denial or file a CIGNA long term disability lawsuit on your behalf. We can also help file and monitor your initial claim. Our lawyers have the experience and resources required to steer your case in the right direction. Below we discuss CIGNA long term disability complaints and what policyholders should understand about the insurer.

New York Life Acquires CIGNA

CIGNA has sold its group long term disability division of its business to New York Life. This is a $6.3 billion dollar deal that is likely to affect policyholders in the months and years to come.

How will this acquisition affect policyholders? It is impossible to know with certainty what will happen. However, we do know what has happened time and time again when our firm has seen one company sell a book of business to another – claims get terminated. The company that buys the previous company’s book will typically review and terminate as many claims as it can to reduce the amount it is paying out.

If you are a CIGNA long term disability policyholder, it is important to understand that there could be more active claim investigations, as well as an increase in claim denials and terminations. This may affect your disability insurance claim. Make sure you have regular medical care to document the problems you are having. If you have concerns about your claim, consult with a CIGNA long term disability lawyer with our firm. We  can help you deal with more active claim investigations, as well as file an appeal or file a CIGNA long term disability lawsuit, if necessary.

CIGNA’s Track Record With Lawsuits and Settlements

As a disabled CIGNA policyholder, you deserve to receive fair and prompt payment under your disability insurance plan. Unfortunately, many insured individuals have had their disability claims delayed, denied or terminated by CIGNA. There are many CIGNA long term disability complaints from policyholders, as well as state insurance commissioner investigations that have occurred in the past.

CIGNA Long Term Disability Complaints of Delays

We have represented hundreds of CIGNA policyholders who have been treated unfairly, with many individuals experiencing delays in their claim processing. This is due to the insurer’s unique view of something called tolling. Tolling is when insurance companies get to suspend their time deadlines. The federal law that governs group benefit plans has certain time deadlines that apply to insurance companies, either in the initial claim or during appeals.

CIGNA uses requests for additional information or documentation as a means to stop the clock and suspend its time deadlines. This insurer often makes multiple requests throughout the life of a claim. Sometimes these are serial requests that are sent to the claim within a short period of time. CIGNA will not tell you that it is turning off the clock every time.

As we mentioned above, policyholders should remain vigilant as New York Life acquires CIGNA’s group disability division. This acquisition may bring with it new types of issues for policyholders.

Dealing With a Delayed, Denied or Undervalued CIGNA Disability Claim?

CIGNA’s policyholders often find themselves fighting an uphill battle when seeking long term disability benefits. They may get the runaround when trying to file a claim, experience delays or they may find their claim denied outright. They may even find their claim undervalued.

If you are going up against CIGNA or New York Life, you need a law firm on your side. An experienced long term disability lawyer can help you face challenges when filing a CIGNA disability insurance claim, including:

  • Issues with medical records and information
  • Requesting unnecessary tests or procedures
  • Difficulty getting the right representative on the phone
  • Asked to supply unnecessary information
  • Refusal to review medical evidence or testimony
  • Surveillance resulting in denials

If you experience these issues or notice these tactics, it is important to call Tucker Disability Law immediately. We represent CIGNA policyholders with delays, denials and undervalued claims. We know how to protect our clients’ rights, provide evidence and fight aggressively for disability benefits. Our experience has helped hundreds of policyholders get CIGNA claims paid over the years.

Questions About a Cigna Long Term Disability Lawsuit or Appeal? Call Today.

At Tucker Disability Law, we can help answer your questions about CIGNA disability insurance claims. Whether you need to file, appeal, monitor or litigate your disability claim, we fight aggressively throughout the process to help you get the benefits you need. We know the importance of collecting long term disability benefits. We also know that CIGNA consumers often fight an uphill battle.

If you need help with your CIGNA disability insurance claim, do not hesitate to get help. Call our experienced attorneys immediately! Call us today at (866) 282-5260 to schedule a free initial consultation. Our attorneys are licensed in Florida and many federal courts across the nation, and we counsel in all 50 states.

Why You Want Tucker Disability Law on Your Team

With over 30+ years experience winning cases, the attorneys at Tucker Disability Law have built a reputation for excellence, hard work, and always standing by our clients. Fighting insurance companies and the VA is what we do 24/7. Check out our Google reviews. Get to know us through our videos. Contact us for a free evaluation of your case. Let us prove to you that no one will work harder to win your case than Tucker Disability Law.