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How To Get Paid More Than 100% VA Disability Compensation?

Tucker Disability Law
November 16, 2020
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There are multiple ways to get paid more than 100% VA Disability compensation, and one way to do this is Special Monthly Compensation (SMC). One type of Special Monthly Compensation is SMC(k), which is for loss of use of a body part.  

The most common SMC(k) claim is for veterans that take a medication that causes erectile dysfunction.  However, SMC(k) claims can also be for loss of use of hands, feet, arms, or legs.  Female veterans with hysterectomies or partial hysterectomies have lost the ability to reproduce and may also be eligible for SMC(k) claims.  

SMC(k) payments are made on top of whatever rating a veteran has.  If a veteran already has a 100% rating, then an SMC(k) payment will result in a combined payment over 100%.  At the time of the video shoot (9-11-20), the payment for SMC(k) was an additional $110.31 each month, and 100% compensation for a single veteran was roughly $3,200 per month.  Watch the video to learn more.  

At Tucker Disability Law we handle VA disability cases every day. If you have any additional questions regarding SMC(k) or other types of Special Monthly Compensation, or if your SMC claim has been denied, call Tucker Disability Law at (866) 282-5260.  You may also review our videos and media library for more information.  

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Video Transcript
Did you know you can get paid more than 100% VA disability compensation? I'm John Tucker, and I'm a veterans disability attorney. Today I want to talk to you about special monthly compensation. Now, you're probably watching this video to figure out, can I get more than the 100% rating payment, which right now as I do this video is about $3,200 a month for a single veteran? Well, there's multiple ways you can get more than that $3,200 per month. I'm going to talk about one way today, it's called Special Monthly Compensation K. There's different letters assigned to different types of Special Monthly Compensation, or SMC is the acronym.

I'm not going to talk about the others, I want to talk with you about one today that's fairly straightforward. SMC(k) is for loss of use of a body part. So the most common way we see it as attorneys, and what you may know from friends is with something called erectile dysfunction. When a veteran takes a medication that causes erectile dysfunction, or they have a medical condition that caused erectile dysfunction, they can put in a claim for SMC(k) for that erectile dysfunction. So they don't actually give you a rating for that condition, they pay you an additional, right now, $110,31 a month.

Now, it's not just for erectile dysfunction, SMC (k) can be for the loss of one hand or loss of use of a hand or loss of one foot. It can be for a female veteran who's had a partial or a full hysterectomy and has lost ovaries or the ability to reproduce. So that payment is on top of any rating that they have. If they have 100%, it's on top of that.

Now, you may have questions about other types of Special Monthly Compensation or your claim for SMC(k) may have been denied. If that was the case, call me at the number that's on your screen. I represent veterans just like you all over the country every day. I'm John Tucker, thanks for watching.

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