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VA Claims New Program Will Give Service Members a VA Disability Decision the Day After Discharge

Tucker Disability Law | October 3, 2017
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In a VA press release, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs reports that it has redesigned the Benefits Delivery at Discharge program in a way that will allow active duty service members to get VA disability decision as soon as the day after their discharge.  The redesigned program went into effect October 1.

VA stated that the changes “will increase VA’s ability to conduct exams, review medical evidence, and process ratings prior to a service member’s release from active duty. In most cases, VA benefits decisions will be provided the day after discharge.”

Service members will be be able to submit a claim for VA service-connected compensation between 90 to 180 days before their discharge from active duty.  Anyone submitting a claim under the Benefits Delivery at Discharge program must be available to attend any examination VA schedules in the first 45 days from the date the claim  is submitted.

VA is eliminating the Quick Start program.  Quick Start allowed service members who did not meet the Benefits Delivery at Discharge window, to submit their claim and evidence up until one day before discharge from active duty.   Service members may still submit their claim(s) with 89 days or less before discharge, but VA will not process those claims  until after their separation. Claims submitted after the 90 to 180 day window (i.e. 89 days or less) will be processed as either a fully developed claim or traditional claim as appropriate.

Service members can view the link above about the Benefits Delivery at Discharge program or visit a military Transition Assistance Program (TAP) offices.

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