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Which VA DBQ Form Needs to Be Used for PTSD?

Tucker Disability Law | May 24, 2012
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If you are making a claim for VA service connected disability compensation based upon Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), you need to know the VA is using new forms new DBQs – Disability Benefits Questionnaires.  DBQs forms came out a few years ago, and it is not only important that you use the correct Disability Benefit Questionnaire if you have PTSD rather than the one for other mental health conditions like Anxiety or Depression, but also the correct PTSD DBQ form.

There are 2 different DBQ forms for PTSD.  Which one you use depends on whether or not the VA has already told you that your PTSD is service connected.

If you have already been told by VA that your PTSD is service connected, then you can have a private mental health provider complete a Review PTSD DBQ (VA Form 21-0960P3). Make sure you are using the form that looks like this:

Picture of PTSD formHowever, if you have NOT been told by VA that your PTSD is service connected, then you have to use the DBQ made for the initial diagnosis of PTSD (VA Form 21-0960P4) must be completed by a VA mental health provider.  A private practitioner may not complete the Initial PTSD DBQ.  Under the current regulations, only a VA doctor can make the initial diagnosis of PTSD and complete the Form 21–0960P4.  In fact, VA does not make this form available on its website, because they do not want anyone but the VA doctors to have access to it.

John Tucker is a VA disability attorney.  If you have been denied VA service connected compensation benefits or your disability was not rated high enough, call (866) 233-5044 for a free consultation. 

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