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What You Should Know about PACT Act Claims

Tucker Disability Law | November 15, 2022

Since the PACT Act was signed into law on August 10, Veterans have filed nearly 125,000 PACT Act-related claims. As a result, the VA has begun an aggressive search for new hires to handle the large influx of Veterans into the system.

If you are one of the thousands of Veterans who have already filed a PACT Act claim, or are thinking of filing a claim, here’s what you need to know. 

Five Things to Know about your PACT Act Claim

  1. While the VA is accepting PACT Act-related claims now, it will not begin processing them until January, 2023– a provision in the law that gave the VA time to hire additional personnel to review the claims.
  2. Veterans who file PACT Act-related claims before Aug. 9, 2023, will have their claims backdated to Aug. 10, 2022. This means the VA will pay you the amount you would have received from August 10, 2022, to the date they granted your application.
  3. Claims filed on or after Aug. 9, 2023, will be dated on the date of filing. Which means if approved, you will not receive benefits dating back to August 10, 2022. So don’t delay! If you haven’t filed your claim yet, do it ASAP. 
  4. On November 7, the VA announced it will prioritize the processing of Veterans’ benefits claims for cancers associated with the PACT Act.  These claims will be expedited to ensure Veterans with cancer are getting timely access to the care and benefits they need and deserve.
  5. If the VA denied your disability claim in the past and your condition is now considered presumptive, you can submit a Supplemental Claim and the VA will review your case again.

Tucker Disability Law and the PACT Act 

For more information about the PACT Act and how to file a claim, visit The PACT Act and your VA Benefits.

If Veterans, their families, caregivers or survivors have questions about the PACT Act and wish to speak with someone to help, they may call 1-800-MyVA411 at any time.

If you’ve been denied VA disability benefits, or are looking to increase your rating, Tucker Disability Law can help. We have over 30+years fighting the VA and have a 98% win rate. 

Use the blue contact section NOW to call us, live chat with us, or message us using our confidential contact form. 

At Tucker Disability Law we don’t settle for less. Neither should you.

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