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Can I Travel While on Long-Term Disability?

Tucker Disability Law | July 22, 2022

The short answer is yes, traveling while on long-term disability is allowed. Receiving long-term disability benefits doesn’t mean you’re prohibited from leaving the house or even taking a vacation.

But there are important guidelines to be aware of: ignoring them could give the insurance company an excuse to cut off your payments.

Before you start packing the suitcases, take a few minutes to read our 5 top tips on how you can travel and still protect your long-term disability benefits.

1. Check Your Policy for Terms Regarding Traveling While on Long-Term Disability

Always read the fine print! You must stay within the terms of your policy. For example, some policies may prohibit trips to a foreign country, cruises, or other forms of travel. If you’re on SSI (Supplemental Security Income), there might be restrictions on the length of time you can be out of the country. Don’t jeopardize your benefits by not being fully informed.

2. Request Clearance from your Doctor

Don’t cancel any doctor’s appointments, and always keep your doctors informed of your travel plans. Remember to get permission from all of your doctors, including any therapists that are part of your treatment plan. Not only does it avoid any misunderstandings, but he or she may be able to give you tips on how to travel more comfortably in your condition.

3. Don’t Trigger Surveillance!

Do not call your insurance company to tell them you’re going on vacation. This could trigger them to monitor you—either in person or through your social media. If they don’t do surveillance, they may dig into your claim to see if you have made any mistakes. Insurance companies are in the business of making money, and they would love nothing more than to cancel your claim. So unless your policy specifically says you must notify them when you are traveling, don’t mention it.

4. Don’t Post on Social Media During or After Traveling While on Long-Term Disability

Posting on social media about your trip is like giving the insurance company ammunition to use against you in court. They will purposely misconstrue a photo or a tagline to make it seem as if you are engaging in activities that you are physically incapable of. Make sure to tell your family members or traveling companions not to share pictures with you in them or tag you on posts.

For more information on the surveillance done by insurance companies, check out our previous article here

5. Be Prepared

Last but not least, be prepared for anything. Make sure you have enough medication and assistive devices to make it through your trip, plus extras in case something gets lost.

Also, make sure you leave all your paperwork in order and that all your claims and updates have been filed on time. Missing a deadline could cause your claim to be flagged for scrutiny or, worse, get your benefits canceled.

Traveling should be a pleasant experience. Making sure that you’ve done everything to protect your long-term disability benefits will give you peace of mind and allow you to enjoy your well-deserved trip.

Don’t lose everything you worked so hard to get. If you have questions about your long-term disability benefits or are appealing a denial, let the experienced attorneys at Tucker Disability Law help. For a FREE no-obligation consultation click on our confidential online contact form or give us a call at (866) 282-5260 to learn more about our services.

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