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Learn what you can do if your doctor refuses to fill out your disability form

Tucker Disability Law | June 29, 2022

Can a Doctor Refuse to Fill Out My Disability Form?

The short answer is, yes, he or she can. And when this happens, your chances of getting your Long-Term Disability approved can vanish quickly. It’s a big deal because the APS form (Attending Physician Statement) is the most vital part of moving your claim forward.

So the real question is, “What can I DO if my doctor refuses to sign my disability form?”

And the answer to that is: plenty!

But First, Let’s Take a Look at Some Reasons Why a Doctor Might Choose Not to Fill Out a Disability Form.

The harsh reality is, doctors are not required to fill out disability forms, and may refuse for various reasons, including:

  • They don’t have time. Having a full schedule may hinder your doctor from taking the time to fill out your form. Followup is key.
  • They don’t want to get involved. Some doctors perceive these situations as a potential legal battle. Here’s What Might be Going Through Your Doctor’s Mind:
    “If I sign off on this and the insurance company denies the claim, then I’ll get a call from some lawyer who will want a deposition which means a big time waste. Let the claimant find another doctor. I don’t want to get involved.”
  • You have not paid the appropriate fees. Your doctor may charge a service fee for filling out forms. Be sure to pay any required costs and double-check with your doctor to confirm that you have fulfilled all the requirements needed to submit your claim. Remember their time is valuable.
  • You have not yet been formally diagnosed. While you may be unable to work, your doctor may be reluctant to sign off on your forms without a formal diagnosis. This diagnosis is critical to any disability claim. It’s your responsibility to make sure you follow up with any diagnostic tests, labs, and doctor’s appointments.

It’s usually a combination of a few of these reasons. Whatever they may be, it’s important to have an open conversation with your doctor to determine the cause(s) of refusal. In doing so, you may discover these have obvious solutions.

So Now What Do I Do?

If your doctor refuses to fill out your APS form, don’t give up! 

Tucker Disability Law has put together an exclusive Insider’s Guide to Getting Your APS Form Filled Out. This free guide is chock full of information and insider tips that will help turn your Dr. “No” into a  Dr. “Yes.”

What’s Inside the Guide?

  • Tucker Disability Law’s Top Five Tips to Get Your Doctor To Fill Out Your Attending Physician Statement (APS)
  • Frequently Asked Questions about filing for long-term disabilityClick to get our guide to getting your APS form filled out.
  • Weekly Capability Journal

What’s A Capability Journal? 

We’re glad you asked!

Being diagnosed with an illness is not enough to prove to your insurance company that you qualify for long-term disability benefits. You must prove that your symptoms interfere with your ability to hold down a job.

Showing your doctor through specific, concrete examples of how your condition is affecting you and your ability to work is essential in getting him/her to sign off on your disability form. 

Inside our must-have Insider’s Guide to Getting Your APS form Filled Out is a downloadable, printable weekly Capability Journal that will help you keep track of your symptoms in a fast and easy-to-understand way. 

Click here to download it now! 

If You Want to Make Sure Your Disability Claim is Handled Right, Our Experienced Long-Term Disability Insurance Attorneys Can Help.

There are a lot of tactics you can explore to get your doctor to fill out your APS form – or even ways to work around him or her choosing not to work with you. But who has time for that? You have bills to pay NOW.

Tucker Disability Law has had the honor to help thousands of clients across the country get the disability benefits they deserve after their doctor refused to fill out disability forms.

We have extensive experience dealing with all types of long-term disability insurance companies, including employer, group, and individual disability policies. We know how they think and we know how to work around that and level the playing field.

Our team of long-term disability lawyers and staff will guide you at every stage of the process, from getting you to the right doctor or a FCE specialist who will approve your long-term disability forms.  

  • Are you frustrated and being ignored by your doctor? 
  • Are you struggling to pay your bills?
  • Do you just want to move all this forward and be done with it?
  • Are you ready to put experts on your side to help you get the long-term disability benefits you deserve?

Then you are ready to talk to Tucker Disability Law. Take advantage of our FREE evaluation offer today. Just choose a preferred method of contact below. And remember, we do not get paid until you get paid.*

“Remember, you pay nothing until we win your case. It’s that simple.” – John V. Tucker, Tucker Disability Law

* The Tucker Disability Law, with a long record of success throughout the United States, receives payment on a contingency fee basis. Quite simply, you do not pay a penny in fees unless we make a recovery. That’s right – our legal counsel is free until both you and we are victorious. When the case is won, the firm receives a percentage of the settlement. This way, we’re not just working for you – we’re working with you. Your best interests are our best interests. And shouldn’t that be the definition of an advocate?

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With over 30+ years experience winning cases, the attorneys at Tucker Disability Law have built a reputation for excellence, hard work, and always standing by our clients. Fighting insurance companies and the VA is what we do 24/7. Check out our Google reviews. Get to know us through our videos. Contact us for a free evaluation of your case. Let us prove to you that no one will work harder to win your case than Tucker Disability Law.