We’re VA Disability Attorneys Saving Vets From Losing Everything
They’ve Worked Hard For.
Help a Fellow Vet and Get This Handcrafted American Flag FREE!
Meet Air Force veteran Kris Morgan (red shirt). Kris suffered from PTSD, and it took him 5 years to win his disability benefits.
During that time, he suffered all types of challenges, including suicidal thoughts.
He overcame his mental demons by hand-crafting American flags out of wood and giving them to vets battling service-connected disabilities.
Through woodworking, Kris has helped countless vets like himself who struggle with PTSD, self-esteem issues, and other disability struggles.
We think what Kris is doing is pretty wonderful.
We know there are veterans out there who need disability benefits and have given up. They’re struggling emotionally, financially, and physically.
You can team up with us to help them.
If you know a vet struggling because they’re not receiving enough disability income, or have been denied benefits, refer them to Tucker Disability Law.
If we can help your friend and they become a client, we’ll ask Kris to handcraft 2 flags- one for you and one for your friend.
Here’s How You Can Help Kris – and a Veteran Friend of Yours.
Step 1:
In the blue contact box, enter your friend’s contact information.
Step 2:
Enter your contact information.
Step 3:
We’ll send you both an email. We’ll keep you up to date if we’re able to help. If we can, you and your friend will receive a Kris Morgan wood flag.
Helping Vets to Help Each Other!
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